Saturday, October 25, 2008


One of the benefits of my workplace is all the tasty treats that people bake and bring in. One of the surgeons who comes in to do specialty surgeries always brings some home baked goods with him. I got his recipe for cornbread and turned these:

into this:
I altered the recipe to make gluten free cornbread which rose wonderfully in the oven though it sunk down afterwards. I'll be doing more playing with the recipe to try to perfect the texture.

Yesterday I indulged in gluten baking with an experiment in making romano bread puffs. One of my favorite pizza places growing up was Numero Uno and although it's been a long time, I still remember their delicious romano bread puffs. I remember them being quite soaked in butter, but these didn't turn out too greasy...made a basic white and wheat bread dough, kneaded in some romano cheese, panfried balls in garlic butter, then rolled them in lots of romano cheese. These will be following me into the clinic today

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